New to baby wearing exercise? Check out our Best Practices!

Recommended Baby Carriers for Fitness Classes

It’s no secret that we love the benefits of baby wearing fitness! It's such a wonderful way to feel close to your baby and soothe when required.

At our mom+baby classes, we recommend that you use a soft structured carrier (such as an Ergo, Manduca, Beco, Tula or another similar carrier), a Mei Tai or a non-stretchy wrap. We also recommend wearing your baby on your front facing towards you, or in a back carry, to reduce the impact on both your spine and your baby's spine as well as your core muscles. For a fitness class, it's ideal to select a carrier that has support at the waist, so that the weight of your baby is shifted from your shoulders to your hips.

Guidelines for Safe Baby Wearing

  • Read and follow manufacturer’s guidelines for use, watch any videos/tutorials on how to use & size your carrier.

  • Inward facing is safest & most comfortable for baby and You! Babies less than 6 months of age should be worn tummy to tummy. Older babies with good head and neck control (6months+) can switch to a back carry position.

  • Ensure baby’s head and neck are well supported.

  • Practice babywearing at home. Carrying a baby in a front loaded position changes your centre of gravity and can affect your posture. Making sure baby is well positioned and aware of your own body’s comfort. If you notice an increase in pelvic pressure or are starting to fatigue, take a break!

  • Babies should always be visible and kissable! Check on them often. Keep babies chin off their chest as this can restrict their airway. You should be able to pass your fingers between their chin & chest.

  • Check on baby often to ensure their comfort. Keep in mind that wearing your baby will increase body heat for both of you. Avoid overdressing your baby while in their carrier. If it is the winter and you are outside, be sure to dress baby in appropriate outerwear.

  • Slow, controlled movements when exercising while wearing baby is the gold standard.

  • Avoid sudden, vigorous movement or quick directional changes that can cause you to lose your balance.

Baby Wearing Exercises

Check out some of our favourite baby wearing exercises on this video!

We hope you find these suggestions helpful as you embark on the journey of parenting. We want to promote baby wearing in the safest possible manner both during our classes and in your everyday life. For more information you can visit the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance.

Fitmama Strong Durham has been operating in the Durham Region since 2010. We offer prenatal fitness, prenatal yoga, babywearing fitness, stroller fitness, live-online classes and and on-demand library of workouts. Our in-person and online community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.

#startwithus and #growwithus by purchasing one of our class passes. We can’t wait to have you join us! (formerly FITMOM Durham)