Prenatal Fitness and Yoga

Our prenatal fitness classes are offered live, from our virtual studio. We are not planning to return to in-person classes for the foreseeable future. (Formerly called FITMOM 2B Fitness)

Our Fitmama Strong prenatal fitness and yoga classes focus on improving your muscular balance, cardiovascular endurance and core stability, so that you feel more energetic and strong throughout your pregnancy. Active and healthy pregnant women go into labour with an advantage that helps them endure the physical demands of delivery.

We invite women at any stage of their pregnancy to join in this class. As you progress through your pregnancy, we provide modifications to help alleviate some of the discomforts you may be feeling on a day to day basis. Exercising during your entire pregnancy (including right up to your delivery), is not only recommended, but provides the stamina, strength and mental focus required during your labour and delivery.

We spend time at our classes addressing common topics related to pregnancy and recovery. We encourage you to ask questions and share experiences so that class members can learn from each other either during class time or in our private Facebook group that’s just for our prenatal members.

We’d love to have you join us!

Do you have questions? We have answers!

Prenatal Classes

** Our live, online prenatal fitness classes are all recorded and posted to our content library each week so that members are able to access them at any time during the course of the series.

Prenatal Fitness

Join our next Prenatal Fitness Series:

THURSDAYS (February 29th-April 11th- No class March 14th)

6 Weeks $99+HST

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Virtual Live Streamed Classes

This virtual, live-streamed FITNESS class is designed specifically for pregnant people. It’s a great place to learn how to exercise safely during pregnancy, discuss relevant topics related to pregnancy, ask questions and meet other folks in a similar life stage.

Our Prenatal Fitness classes are a weekly series with a start and end date. Our regular time slot for these classes is Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. You can register for the series in full (6 classes @ $99.00 + HST), or if you are unable to commit to the full series, you can purchase a Prenatal Drop-in Pass and reserve a spot on the calendar for the date you would like to attend.

In the event you miss a live class, it will be recorded and uploaded to our content library for you to review at a later date.

BONUS: This pass includes access to our Live Streamed Express Flow class as well as our pre-recorded library of prenatal yoga & fitness workouts. Enjoy these at your own pace, on demand.

Express FLOW

Our prenatal pass holders are welcome to join us for our LIVE Streamed Express Flow Class.

This virtual, live-streamed YOGA inspired class combines breath work, mobility and yoga postures to ease and relive tight muscles and to create a sense of calm and connection. This class is appropriate for our entire community, including pregnant people. This weekly class is available as a BONUS to our prenatal fitness series pass holders.

To receive updates about when future Prenatal Fitness or Prenatal Yoga Series are available or to learn more about prenatal fitness in general, please sign up here:

Fitmama Strong’s Guide


Did you just have a new baby?

Are you wanting to start moving again, but don't know what you should be doing to move safely and prevent injuries?

We're sharing our Top 6 Ways to move your body during those early days of your postpartum journey, so that your body can begin to recover and repair from pregnancy, labour and delivery.

These gentle movements are designed to help you get your blood flowing so that your body can recover from the past 10 months of growing another human!