How Often Should I exercise after baby?

This is a very common question we get from many women who are preparing to exercise after baby. 

Ideally, a new mama will gradually work into a fitness routine at her own pace and comfort level. We encourage all of our members to focus rehab for optimal core & pelvic floor function postpartum regardless of how baby was born (BONUS Points to all of you who start this during pregnancy- we call this PRE-Hab!)

Early postpartum recovery should focus on low impact activities like walking, stretching and gentle mobility work gradually increasing time over intensity. When you feel ready slowly adding in Body Weight movements that support your daily living can gradually added. We like squats (using a chair to support you), lunges, kneeling hovers and hip hinge exercises (head over to our IG Page to check out an example!), just to name a few.

Keep in mind that the general recommendation of waiting 6 weeks prior to starting exercise may or may not be appropriate for you. Each person needs to consider their level of fitness (prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy and postpartum), mode of delivery (cesarean births typically require more time to allow for healing), healing of the perineal area and time spent focusing on gentle rehabilitation.

Once you are ready to have more structured exercise a part of your routine we hope that you join us for some fun Fitmama Strong Durham in-person or online classes. We encourage our members to work out with us at least twice a week. In our experience one of the most common pitfalls a woman makes is committing to too few training sessions. In fact, working out only once a week can hinder your progress and make you more susceptible to injury. 

It is recommended that women train 3-5 times per week for optimal effect. This consistent approach to exercise will prevent injury, improve strength & performance and achieve results. Workouts should provide lots of variety and can be done with very little time commitment (10-30 min). Remember 150 min of moderate-intensity physical activity is recommended for all adults (YES even during pregnancy!). This can be accumulated over a minimum of three days/week and a maximum of 5 days/week.

Overtraining is also important to consider. Women who are exercising too frequently are at risk of over use injuries and adrenal fatigue. Be sure to prioritize REST and RECOVERY days! Check out our post here.

It is important that women ensure plenty of rest, hydration with a focus on a healthy, balanced diet. 


  • Focus on rehab for the first several weeks of postpartum (diaphragmatic breathing, pelvic floor coordination) work on the MIND/BODY connection to re-pattern and support your deep core

  • Gentle stretches and mobility work are a great way to feel less stiff after caring and feeding a baby all day

  • Walking is a great low-impact activity. Remember to increase TIME over INTENSITY. Work your way up to 30 min of continuous walking. This can be done in smaller chunks (for example three 10 minute walking sessions through the day)

  • Gradually add in body weighted exercises like supported squats, lunges and hip hinging exercises

  • Prioritize sleep and rest, hydration and nutrition


  • If you notice an increase in lochia bleeding- this is an indication you are over-exerting yourself and you should reduce effort

  • Experience Pain, Pressure Leaking or Discomfort During or After exercise

  • Sudden onset of a headache, blurry vision, dizziness or chest pain (immediately stop exercising and seek medical attention)

Interested in joining us? Our classes are a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Durham has been operating in the Durham Region since 2010. We offer prenatal fitness, prenatal yoga, babywearing fitness, stroller fitness, live-online classes and and on-demand library of workouts. Our in-person and online community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.

#startwithus and #growwithus by purchasing one of our class passes. We can’t wait to have you join us! (formerly FITMOM Durham)